Our collaborators
Starting from the fall 2012 we pursue a joint project with the group of David Lee and Vladimir Khmelenko at Texas AM University for studies of atomic hydrogen and deuterium in cryocrystals. The project is funded by the National Science Foundation in USA and by the Finnish Academy. For several years theoretical support in this field has been provided by Erich Mueller and Kaden Harrard from Cornell University. We acknowledge numerous and fruitful discussions with Leonid Mezhov-Deglin from ISSP RAS (Russia) and Roman Boltnev from Talroze Institute in Chernogolovka (Russia).

Professor David Lee visiting Turku in October 2012 (Read full article in Turun Sanomat).
In our studies of atomic hydrogen in the gas phase for many years we have been collaborating with Yuri Kagan, Gora Shlyapnikov (now at the University Paris-Sud, France), Nikolai Prokofjev, Boris Svistunov (both in UMass now) Igor Lukashevich (deceased in 2008), and Alexander Safonov from Kurchatov Institute (Moscow). We appreciate communications with David Lee (Texas A&M) and Nicholas Bigelow (Univ. of Rochester) who helped us in understanding the nature of spin waves in H gas. In this field we also benefited from numerous discussions with Grigory Volovik, Matti Krusius and Vladimir Eltsov from LTL at Aalto University and Edouard Sonin from Hebrew University of Jerusalem concerning Bose-Einstein Condensation of magnons.
Recently we initiated a new project on the Gravitational, Optical and Hyperfine Spectroscopy of ultra-cold atomic hydrogen gas GRASIAN. Our application to ERC Synergy Grant is now under consideration. This project will utilize a Synergy of the four groups or researchers: Valery Nesvizhevsky at ILL (Grenoble), Francois Nez at LKB (Paris), Eberhard Widmann at SMI (Wien), and our group at Turku.
Research in P doped silicon is a relatively new field for us. It has been initiated with the help of our Japanese and Korean colleagues Takao Mizusaki, Yutaka Fujii, Seitaro Mitsudo from Fukui University (Japan) and Soonchil Lee, SangGap Lee, Minchan Gwak from Korean Basic Science Institute. In spring 2013 Leonid Vlasenko from Ioffe Institute (St. Petersburg, Russia) joined our collaboration in this field.
For several years we keep exchange of brain and man power with Kazan Federal University, Institute of Physics, especially cooperation with Dmitrii Tayurskii.
We appreciate an interest to our work and fruitful discussions with Kimitoshi Kono (RIKEN) and Denis Konstantinov (OIST).
Collaboration with Sergey Boldarev from Kapitza Institute (Moscow) has already more than 20 year history. He has built two dilution refrigerators for the Wihuri Physical Laboratory, both of which are intensively used up to date. He has taught us many practical issues of the low temperature methods and techniques, helped to design and build many parts of our low temperature apparatus.
Our unique ESR spectrometers are created with the help from Viacheslav Dvornichenko (Kiev, Ukraine), who designed and constructed most of the mm-wave and RF components.
We create high homogeneity magnetic fields using unique superconductive magnets manufactured by Akadiy Laptiyenko from Donetsk-Physical Technical Institute, Ukraine.
Since we need very sophisticated instruments in our experiments, we appreciate technical support of the UTU central workshop. Most of the infrastructure what we have has been created by Timo Haili. We have never had any problems with liquid helium supply, which is mainly due to the work of Esa Lilja.
And finally we greatly acknowledge prompt and sometimes on-line help in theoretical interpretation of our experimentrs, which we get from our colleagues in the Turku Centre for Quantum Physics headed by Prof. Kalle.-Antti Suominen.